libwchar2 0.0.10
wcscmp manual

wcscmp - compare two wide-character strings

The wcscmp() function is the wide-character equivalent of the strcmp(3) function. It compares the wide-character string pointed to by s1 and the wide-character string pointed to by s2.

Return Value

The wcscmp() function returns zero if the wide-character strings at s1 and s2 are equal. It returns an integer greater than zero if at the first differing position i, the corresponding wide-character s1[i] is greater than s2[i]. It returns an integer less than zero if at the first differing position i, the corresponding wide-character s1[i] is less than s2[i].

See example

See also

LibWchar2 information
libwchar2 0.0.10
Wed Aug 22 2018
(c) PS 2018-2018
Manual author and license