cbp2ndk export utility

The goal of the cbp2ndk utility is to transfer settings and settings made in Code::Blocks to the format of Android NDK

Supported C::B configuration blocks:

Data conversion for NDK configuration, Android.mk file:

Rewritable variables in the Android.mk file:

The following variables can be overwritten, do not fill them in manually.

Variables not included in this list will be saved with the values ​​and overwritten with the new configuration.

Command line parameters:

       -a, --auto      find .cbp project file from current directory
       -c, --cbp       path to .cbp project file
       -d, --dump      dump current configuration
       -t, --tag       building tag: Debug|Release|OtherTag
       -q, --quiet     quiet all messages
       -v, --verbose   verbose output to console
       -n  --nodefault no set default values (libs, include paths)
           --cbtmpl    install C::B wizard template Makefile file
           --api       android API number (Application.mk)
           --abi       android ABI platform (Application.mk)
           --ndkopt    android NDK options (Application.mk)

       cbp2ndk.exe <BuildTag> <path\project.cbp>
       cbp2ndk.exe -t <BuildTag> -c <path\project.cbp> -v
       cbp2ndk.exe -a --api android-28 --abi armeabi-v7a --ndkopt debug
       cbp2ndk.exe -a

Adding a menu to C::B

cbp2ndk menu in CodeBlocks


Download cbp2ndk v. / win32 (07/03/2019)
See cbp2ndk directory
Learn more about the format and capabilities of the file Android.mk


Always use a Unix-style slash (/) in assembly files. The build system incorrectly handles the backslash in Windows style.

Try not to change the level of optimization / debugging in your Android.mk file. This allows the build system to generate useful data files used during debugging. It is meant to exclude the use of the flags -g, -s, -O and their analogues.
